Daytime services
Structured spaces are offered and designed to welcome and eventually support elderly people throughout the day, providing valid opportunities to socialise, develop and maintain general skills.
Structured spaces are offered and designed to welcome and eventually support elderly people throughout the day, providing valid opportunities to socialise, develop and maintain general skills.
Intended for elderly people whom desire to deepen a passion, learn new skills or simply spend some time in company, with social and cultural opportunities offered. It allows to stimulate and promote participation of social life through a series of activities aimed at aggregation, of which include escursions and cultural visits, musical afternoons and evenings, […]
Offers intermediate domicilary and residential level support services to people with frailties. Allowing elderly people to spend some hours of the day in an envirmonment that is dedicated and protected, with qualified medical and physiatrist staff, rehabilitation and mobility support from a nurse, care of the individual, animation and entarteinment activities, and a refectory to […]