Domiciliary support services
If and where necessary, it is possible to receive medical care, rehabilitation and educational support, directly provided at the residence of whom cannot access outpatient services or other centers.
If and where necessary, it is possible to receive medical care, rehabilitation and educational support, directly provided at the residence of whom cannot access outpatient services or other centers.
Aimed at disabled people, this service is composed by a series of interventions with the aim to prevent or delay admission to residential facilities. This service provides support, integrated by family interaction, allows to achieve an adequate level of assistancy preserving lifestyle stability, family relations, connections and friendships. The application must be presented to the […]
Intended for retired or employed people, to their first degree relatives, whom are not self-sufficient. This program foresees monthly financial contribuitions in favor of disabled, non self-sufficient people, minors or adults, as a reimbursement of expenses incurred for the employement of domiciliary assistance. Portale INPS
Addressed to people with reduced or compromised independence, the service offers intervention of support that ranges from care of personal hygiene, socialisation, support and monitoring of daily activities. These interventions are in place to ensure the individual remains at their own home as long as possible, to avoid or postpone admission in residential facilities. The […]
The service sustains specific projects that support disabled people. These interventions concentrate particularly on strengthening social integration, supporting independence and are designated to families with particular critical issues. The application must be presented to the Municipality of residence.
This service is intended for people who are not self-sufficient. They may be frail individuals, whom due to temporary or permanent difficulties cannot access outpatient facilities. Assistance is provided at their home and can be in the form of nursing, rehabilitation, medical or educational support aimed at the care and health of the individual. Portale […]