Income support measures
In the presence of particular conditions, it is possible to request financial support available as a contribuition to provide financial support for medical expenses, rehabilitation and general necessity.
In the presence of particular conditions, it is possible to request financial support available as a contribuition to provide financial support for medical expenses, rehabilitation and general necessity.
Intended for those affected by severe limitations in walking, the financial support is provided for the technical adaptation of vehicles, specifically the modification of driving tools, and is provided to favor individuals whom hold driving licences of A,B and C type with permanent physical imparements. Erogazione di contributi per la modifica agli strumenti di guida
The economic intervention supports housing and welfare benefits. This support is intended for people who suffer from severe disabilities. An amount of 600,00 to 1.100,00 Euro is provided on a monthly basis, with a possible extra voucher of 360,00 Euro per month. Sostegno alla disabilità gravissima (Misura B1) per servizi di supporto socio-assistenziale.
Financial intervention is intended for people with severe disabilities or elderly people who are not self sufficient. The intervention comes about in the form of a supply of monthly transfers and vouchers intended to assist vulnerable people. The amount is based on the severity of the situation and the ISEE declared (Economical Indicator of financial […]
Financial interventions are intended for people with severe disabilities without family support, the lack of adequate parental support or loss of both parents. It materializes through the construction of individual projects for a period of time not less than 2 years, and aimed to achieve autonomy and detachment from the core family of origin , […]
Financial intervention with the scope to support people with disabilities and minors with learning disabilities, and their families, through economical cointribuition for buying, renting or leasing of advanced tehcnological instruments or aids (PC, Tablets, Braille bars etc.) aimed at implementing individual abilities and empower quality daily living. Avviso pubblico per ottenere contributi per l’acquisto di […]
The contribution is aimed at families assigned to Public Housing Services (SAP) in situations of economic vulnerability and in difficulty to bear the costs of social leasing (fee for common services). Citizens interested in receiving information on the Solidarity Contribution should contact their Municipality of residence or their manager (ALER). Contributo regionale di solidarietà
Financial intervention, through the supply of vouchers is intended to improve quality of life for elderly and fraile people and to improve social integration of disabled people. For the elderly the scope is to guarantee the possibility to remain at their own homes. For disabled people, the objective is instead to enhance skills and abilities […]