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Information and advice

Within the territory there are established agencies, and competent people specifically in charge of providing information, direction, assistance and support on specific subject matters.

logo Adult education centres (Centri EDA)

Adult education centres (Centri EDA)

These centres are aimed at adults intended to complete studies abandoned at an earlier stage of their life to achieve middle school certification.  It also provides services for foreigners who wish to improve or learn the Italian language. The centres offer a structured schooling system that includes formative, professional and vocational studies and linguistic skills.

logo Cooperativa “Assolo”

Cooperativa “Assolo”

Located in Berzo Inferiore, this cooperative is an educational centre that offers services dedicated to minors with schooling difficulties, DSA (learning disabilities), ADHD (attention decifit hyperactivity disorder), and BES (Specific learning needs). Family support, educational services, consultancy, assistance and educational services for students, teachers, parents and therapists are also provided. ASSOLO Società Cooperativa via Caduti, […]

logo Family counselling

Family counselling

Located in Breno and Edolo, these spaces have being created to receive and support people, couples and families, with the scope to provide help, consultancy and orientation to future actions.   They can request counselling support also for  teenagers (14 to 20) whom are going through a period of difficulties or need help and support that […]

logo Family mediation services

Family mediation services

These services offer support for separated families or those going through a relationship crisis. Mediation intervenes to challenge situations of conflict and relationships between parents and children. In addition, it promotes decisional independence of individuals and couples and defines competences; incentivates dialogue motivation, esteem and reciprocal trust with the objective being to prevent discomfort of […]

logo Fragility service

Fragility service

This is intended for anyone who is in need or those who are not self-sufficient and the objective is to provide information and knowledge on the healthcare system and their presence in the territory. It is addressed mainly to hospitalized people, close to being discharged or conditions of temporary non self-sufficiency. ASST Valcamonica – Servizio Fragilità […]

logo Immigration office

Immigration office

Provides assistance to foreigners in the preparation of applications for entrance and  permenant residency in Italy, safeguarding basic rights and freedom of immigrants. Support is also provided to access social services, healthcare and welfare, help with correctly filling in application forms for residence permits, cards and citizenship.  They also provide support with family reunions, renewal […]

logo Italian language courses

Italian language courses

These free courses are intended for anyone who lives in Italy and would like to learn or improve their language knowledge. They are structured over different levels, from beginner to advanced, and provide periodic lessons. At each level students develop and are empowered to achieve the linguistic abilities (speacking, listening, writing and reading) through activities […]

logo Passport Office

Passport Office

Questura di Brescia – Ufficio Passaporti 

logo Patron unions (ACLI, CGIL, CISL, UIL)

Patron unions (ACLI, CGIL, CISL, UIL)

Services of support and consultancy are offered to complete social security or tax paperwork, in order to solve problems related to the workplace. CAF (Centres for Financial Assistancy), are specific centres that help in filling in financial and tax return forms for workers of pubblic and private companies, as well as for the  unemployed and […]

logo Proximity desk

Proximity desk

The service manages the procedures for the appointment of the support administration, the protections, the care and the personal authorizations. The desk also deals with the delivery and collection of files to the Court Registry, avoiding going to Brescia specifically. The Proximity desk is located at the headquarters of the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica […]

logo Public housing service (SAP)

Public housing service (SAP)

To access public housing in Lombardy, the application is presented exclusively online, connecting to the IT platform for public housing services. The service allows you to view the accommodations made available and information on the location, the residential area, the type of heating method, the estimate of the expenses for the services, the owner body, […]

logo Social workers

Social workers

Active in every council of Camonica Valley, this service consists of weekly support/help activities carried out by professionals working with individuals, families and groups.  A social worker represents the first port of contact for the request of information and prevention, support and recovery of anyone whom is in position of need and difficulties. ANGOLO TERME […]

logo Territorial services for social ethical work (STILE)

Territorial services for social ethical work (STILE)

Intended for those who are unemployed, this service is based on teams composed of professional educators and social workers.  The service provides guidance and support of work, considering ability and potential, offering courses and tools to favor integration in the world of work. Azienda Territoriale per i Servizi alla Persona