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Services in semi-residential facilities for supporting independence

Day care is generally offered, not permanent residence, which has the scope to preserve autonomy, avoiding or delaying hospitalisation in residential facilities.

logo Day center for disabilities (CDD)

Day center for disabilities (CDD)

This semi residential facility welcomes people with disabilities and provides services to those with compromised independence.  It’s final objective is the global wellbeing of the individual and improved quality of life.  It also acts as support and relief for the family, offering space of assistance, education, rehabilitation and recreational activities to facilitate and incentivate social […]

logo Educational services for autonomy (SFA) – SET module (Territorial educational service)

Educational services for autonomy (SFA) – SET module (Territorial educational service)

 This service aims to facilitate social inclusion for disabled people, empowering and developing individual autonomy. The objective is to guarantee individual/personalised projects that allow to improve social skills, develop abilities, relational and communicative capacities, for autonomy and self-esteem.

logo Educational social center (CSE)

Educational social center (CSE)

Dedicated to host people with disabilities, who present issues with independent skills/abilities on a daily basis, the centre is considered a semi residential hub with educational characteristics.  It aims to maintain and develop capacity through continous specific assistance, likewise aimed at and personalised to social-educational intervention.