Services offered in residential facilities
Accommodation facilities are offered in structures within communities or private apartments, of which permanent residency is expected.
Accommodation facilities are offered in structures within communities or private apartments, of which permanent residency is expected.
Located at the hospitals of Edolo and Esine, these operative units are capable of receiving patients in emergency cases, with spaces dedicated to immediate observation. Professionals provide first port of care for all emergency types (trauma, wounds, heart attacks) to then evaluate an eventual recovery.
These centres are aimed at adults intended to complete studies abandoned at an earlier stage of their life to achieve middle school certification. It also provides services for foreigners who wish to improve or learn the Italian language. The centres offer a structured schooling system that includes formative, professional and vocational studies and linguistic skills.
Located in Breno, at the Arcobaleno cooperative, the headquarters of Camonica Valley, is the ANFFAS (National Association for Families and People with Intellectual and Relational Disability) ONLUS deals with the protection of people’s rights for intellectual and relational disabilities as well as their families. Activities within social care, health and healthcare fields, scientific research, education, […]
Located in Cedegolo and Darfo, aimed for women and all victims of abuse, be it physical and or psycological, offering support, hospitality, phsycological assistance, legal information, guidance back to work and language and cultural mediation. The services are entirely free of charge and guarantee total independence. The scope is to help the individual overcome emotional, […]
This typology of measures are addressed to citizens of the age equal to or above 65, resident within the county of Lombardia, whom are experiencing fraility or partial autonomy. Integrational support is provided and support services are designed to maintain individuals present abilities in a controlled and protected environment, with the objective to delay psychophysical […]
The facility offers individualised and specific intervenctions to mirors whom have been diagnosed with autism and Aspergers syndrome. Children and teenagers are taken care of by specialists who perform individual and small group activities, even through projects that include families, school and other existing interactions.
These facilities are intended for the collection of biological samples (blood, urine, feces, etc.) necessary for specific medical investigations. Particular preparation is required for specific tests. Other tests are performed in different centres, and therefore, it is necessary to consult a member of staff at the Laboratory service.
Prefettura – Ufficio Territoriale del Governo di Brescia piazza Paolo VI, 29 – Brescia telephone: 030.37431 fax: 030.3743666 / 493 e-mail: PEC: homepage:
Aimed at people who are temporarily or permanently in conditions of incomplete economic self-sufficiency, the service provides free delivery or a symbolic payment for used and in good condition clothing, furniture and furnishing supplies.
This centre offers services of pedagogical and psychological consultancy, through interventions and activities aimed to support families and organising specific projects for minors and teenagers. Between the available services we can find therapy and projects for psychomotorial education, arranged to intervene in training parents and teachers, parentale consultancy, family mediation, prevention activities, emotional education, projecting […]
Provided by Pia Fondation in Camonica Valley, Malegno (BS), this service is of semi residential character and offers services for mobility and or cognitive rehabilitation to individuals with serious or multiple disabilities, who require abilitation and rehabilitational therapy, for which recovery is not necessary.
Intended for those affected by severe limitations in walking, the financial support is provided for the technical adaptation of vehicles, specifically the modification of driving tools, and is provided to favor individuals whom hold driving licences of A,B and C type with permanent physical imparements. Erogazione di contributi per la modifica agli strumenti di guida
These financial interventions are intended to purchase wigs from patients who have lost their hair as a consequence of chemotherapy, or radiotherapy treatments for the treatment of oncological pathologies. Parrucche e prestazioni per malati oncologici Vedi il bando su sito di Ats Montagna
Located in Berzo Inferiore, this cooperative is an educational centre that offers services dedicated to minors with schooling difficulties, DSA (learning disabilities), ADHD (attention decifit hyperactivity disorder), and BES (Specific learning needs). Family support, educational services, consultancy, assistance and educational services for students, teachers, parents and therapists are also provided. ASSOLO Società Cooperativa via Caduti, […]
This semi residential facility welcomes people with disabilities and provides services to those with compromised independence. It’s final objective is the global wellbeing of the individual and improved quality of life. It also acts as support and relief for the family, offering space of assistance, education, rehabilitation and recreational activities to facilitate and incentivate social […]
Offers a daily hospitality service to minors, in parallel with providing support to parents, responding to family needs. The centre guarantees protection of minors and helps parents in empowering and improving educational abilities for the care of their children. The service is specifically requested by the judicial authorities.
Targeted at people with severe difficulties in creating valid social relationships, this centre offers therapeutical and rehabilitational programs alternating re-socializing activities. This intervention aims at educational aspects as well as the care of individuals themselves during daily activities, and in relation to others and in groups, as well as to the introducing them to work. […]
Intended for elderly people whom desire to deepen a passion, learn new skills or simply spend some time in company, with social and cultural opportunities offered. It allows to stimulate and promote participation of social life through a series of activities aimed at aggregation, of which include escursions and cultural visits, musical afternoons and evenings, […]
Facilities located in Darfo, Esine and Edolo, carry out purifying treatments (Hemodialysis), vital for patients whom have insufficient renal functioning. Patients with severe acute renal failure can access this service, as well as those with chronic renal failure awaiting transplants.
Aimed at disabled people, this service is composed by a series of interventions with the aim to prevent or delay admission to residential facilities. This service provides support, integrated by family interaction, allows to achieve an adequate level of assistancy preserving lifestyle stability, family relations, connections and friendships. The application must be presented to the […]
Intended for retired or employed people, to their first degree relatives, whom are not self-sufficient. This program foresees monthly financial contribuitions in favor of disabled, non self-sufficient people, minors or adults, as a reimbursement of expenses incurred for the employement of domiciliary assistance. Portale INPS
Addressed to people with reduced or compromised independence, the service offers intervention of support that ranges from care of personal hygiene, socialisation, support and monitoring of daily activities. These interventions are in place to ensure the individual remains at their own home as long as possible, to avoid or postpone admission in residential facilities. The […]
This service is intended for familes who present difficulties or lack in parental abilities/functions under the educative aspects, social relation, and affective or material. The intervention foresees coaching by a professional educator as support and accompaniment of parents in carrying out daily activities with their children. The objective is to favor a setting of trust […]
The service sustains specific projects that support disabled people. These interventions concentrate particularly on strengthening social integration, supporting independence and are designated to families with particular critical issues. The application must be presented to the Municipality of residence.
Accept referrals of people with high end addiction issues, therefore without selection, for a period of time not greater than 90 days. These can be specific centres or individual units within various centres. Drug addiction is the pathological, exagerated research of pleasure via the use of narcotic substances, drugs and alcohol.
A service intended for minors in need of support, these are social-educational residential centres, which welcome and offer structured support and protection. Allocation in the community is specifically arranged by the judicial authority and is a type of measure that occurs when, due to particular pragmatic/existential conditions, the family environment has proven to be impractical.
This service aims to facilitate social inclusion for disabled people, empowering and developing individual autonomy. The objective is to guarantee individual/personalised projects that allow to improve social skills, develop abilities, relational and communicative capacities, for autonomy and self-esteem.
Dedicated to host people with disabilities, who present issues with independent skills/abilities on a daily basis, the centre is considered a semi residential hub with educational characteristics. It aims to maintain and develop capacity through continous specific assistance, likewise aimed at and personalised to social-educational intervention.
Designed for people who are no longer independent, who have permanent symptoms of physical and psychic pathologies, not assistable at their own home. This typology of structrure offers a medium level of medical support, nursing and rehabilitation supported by a high level of residential protection and support.
Located in Darfo and managed by Sol.Co. of Brescia, the Camunia employment centre offers orientation and support to get back to work. It also selects staff and provides consultancy for companies. The centre is accreditated to provide people and companies recruitment of staff services as well as job offers. Agenzia per il Lavoro Camunia telephone: […]
It is a service for asylum seekers for first aid, with board and lodging services. The insertion takes place on the recommendation of the Brescia Prefecture. Prefettura di Brescia
This service supports people that need help with personal care, home caring and for managing or handling of daily activities to whom is undertaking the journey of becoming a family assistant offering family support. In particular it aims to support whomever is in search of assistance for themselves, or the assistance of a disabled family […]
Located in Breno and Edolo, these spaces have being created to receive and support people, couples and families, with the scope to provide help, consultancy and orientation to future actions. They can request counselling support also for teenagers (14 to 20) whom are going through a period of difficulties or need help and support that […]
These services offer support for separated families or those going through a relationship crisis. Mediation intervenes to challenge situations of conflict and relationships between parents and children. In addition, it promotes decisional independence of individuals and couples and defines competences; incentivates dialogue motivation, esteem and reciprocal trust with the objective being to prevent discomfort of […]
The economic intervention supports housing and welfare benefits. This support is intended for people who suffer from severe disabilities. An amount of 600,00 to 1.100,00 Euro is provided on a monthly basis, with a possible extra voucher of 360,00 Euro per month. Sostegno alla disabilità gravissima (Misura B1) per servizi di supporto socio-assistenziale.
Financial intervention is intended for people with severe disabilities or elderly people who are not self sufficient. The intervention comes about in the form of a supply of monthly transfers and vouchers intended to assist vulnerable people. The amount is based on the severity of the situation and the ISEE declared (Economical Indicator of financial […]
Aimed at families who are temporarily or permanently in conditions of incomplete economic self-sufficiency, the service includes the withdrawal of a food package containing food necessities.
This service offers a formative and informative space to those who desire to gain an indication and clarification regarding fostering, or rather the possibility to temporarly host children or teenagers. The professionals, a psychologist and social worker are available to provide information and to sensitise adults to the fostering world. They also offer the possibility […]
This is intended for anyone who is in need or those who are not self-sufficient and the objective is to provide information and knowledge on the healthcare system and their presence in the territory. It is addressed mainly to hospitalized people, close to being discharged or conditions of temporary non self-sufficiency. ASST Valcamonica – Servizio Fragilità […]
The service acts in favor of familiar and personal situations involving minors, whom are under provisions of the judicial authority, ordinary and juvenilein the civil sector, criminal and administrative. Azienda Territoriale per i Servizi alla Persona
Open 24/7 all year round, these facilities offer medical support, nursing and rehabilitation, the possibility to permanently host people with disabilities and those who are no longer autonomous (elderly and others) whom suffer physical and or mental pathologies, in cases where it is not possible to assist and support at their own homes.
The service is mainly aimed at elderly people who live alone and need the support of an alarm system in the case of emergency. This can be activated through the simple use of a remote emercency button, or by phonecall. The alarm can be addressed to specialised facilities or directly to the family members and […]
The centre hosts patients between an age of 18 and 50 years old, for a rehabilitational programs, for a period of 18 months maximum ( or 3 month for project related to post-acuteness). It offers rehabilitational interventions at high intensity and support. It is of residential nature, for psychiatric patients, with significant reduction in various […]
Meant for people with psychiatric disorders, whom present a significant reduction of personal autonomy, social and work abilities. Interventions are therefore offered for general rehabilitation, social welfare support for short, medium and long term (up to 36 months). The community is founded to care for and provide rehabilitation services to patients affected by psychosis and […]
Promoted and self-managed by families that are simultanesly users and owners, in truth they have their own children between the hosted children, the family nest offers the same services of a nursery or a micro nursery, but is located in a private house and can host a maximum of 5 children, between the ages of […]
This service is designed for people affected by terminal illnesses at a late stage, oncological and non oncological. It offers residential accommodation where the patient whom requires care and costant control of the symptoms can gain relief, with the aim to achieve the best quality of life possible in relation to the illness, guaranteeing at […]
This financial interventon of housing support assists parents who are separated and or divorced, caring for mnors, adopted or their own and resident in the county of Lombardy. Also parents whom are going through the judicial process for separation, unless their present economic situation (ISEE) is less or equal to 20.000,00 Euro, they can also […]
Provides assistance to foreigners in the preparation of applications for entrance and permenant residency in Italy, safeguarding basic rights and freedom of immigrants. Support is also provided to access social services, healthcare and welfare, help with correctly filling in application forms for residence permits, cards and citizenship. They also provide support with family reunions, renewal […]
This educational type of service, is aimed at youth, once the program has been completed and they have reached adult age, they request support in life skills in order to learn how to live independently by themselves. The support provided by support staff gradually fades away. The objective of this service is to invest in […]
Offers intermediate domicilary and residential level support services to people with frailties. Allowing elderly people to spend some hours of the day in an envirmonment that is dedicated and protected, with qualified medical and physiatrist staff, rehabilitation and mobility support from a nurse, care of the individual, animation and entarteinment activities, and a refectory to […]
This service is intended for people who are not self-sufficient. They may be frail individuals, whom due to temporary or permanent difficulties cannot access outpatient facilities. Assistance is provided at their home and can be in the form of nursing, rehabilitation, medical or educational support aimed at the care and health of the individual. Portale […]
Offers various types of competences for diagnosis and outpatient admission for issues related to pathological addiction to narcotics, drugs, alcohol, tabacco, gambling and so forth. The service is guaranteed by multi-professional teams, composed of by various and diverse medical figures; psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, professional educators and nurses.
This service ensures the supply and assistance of prostheses and aids, of which include dietry products, medications and products for people with disabilities. It also deals with rehabilitation access in institutes, reimbursement of costs and assistance abroad. Supplies include a diverse typology of products: shoes, brace for limbs, corsets, torso brace, glasses, anatomical prostheses, hearing […]
Residential in nature, this service is provided to whom needs support for acute pathologies as a result of particular events (fractures, cardiac failure, or of bronchopulmonary issues); non urgent recurrences of multiple pathologies; severe behavioural disturbances, which require a prompt response; severe and or multiple disabilities as well as progressive degeneration and severe pathologies, which […]
These free courses are intended for anyone who lives in Italy and would like to learn or improve their language knowledge. They are structured over different levels, from beginner to advanced, and provide periodic lessons. At each level students develop and are empowered to achieve the linguistic abilities (speacking, listening, writing and reading) through activities […]
Located in Breno, Darfo and Edolo, these job centres provide information and support services to people whom are searching for a job, facilitating the meeting point between request and demand. They also provide assistance and support with bureaucratic paperwork, provide certificates and forms on top of administrative activities, like worker’s lists, enrolment to mobility lists, […]
The nursery school (formerly known as “kindergarten”) is a non-compulsory structure that offers a pre-school path for children aged three to six. It can be managed by the State or by various subjects, such as parishes, foundations, associations, private entities. The state kindergarten can be a separate entity or be part of a comprehensive school, […]
It is a legal consultancy service for asylum seekers and refugees or holders of international protection.
It is a linguistic mediation service present in educational institutes and at ASST Valcamonica at the Vallecamonica Hospital and local offices. ASST Valcamonica Centro Formativo Provinciale “Giuseppe Zanardelli” Fondazione Scuola Cattolica di Valle Camonica Istituto Comprensivo “Fratelli Rosselli” di Artogne e Pian Camuno Istituto Comprensivo “Girolamo Romanino” di Bienno Istituto Comprensivo “Franco Tonolini” di Breno […]
Intended to welcome people with a history of long addiction to narcotics or alcohol, deviation and emargination that, for health conditions, living on precariousness and insufficient income, are not capable to build spaces for real and substantial independence. The users must not be in an active stage of addiction and must not show antisocial behaviour. […]
Financial intervention, provided by INPS is intended for women without a job who had recently become mothers, consists of a cheque that can be requested by the local council for birth, adoption or fostering of minors of less than 6 years old (or up to 18 years old in the case of international fostering or […]
Similar to a Nursery, but with a reduced number of children. They host children from the age of 3 to 36 months, and in many aspects are similar to a traditional nursery, also if, thanks to its nature, it can offer greater flexibility in hours of cover. In addition the difference is the presence of […]
Located within Esine’s hospital, this facility is dedicated to the diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of neurological and phychiatric pathologies, as well as of the evolutional and developmental disorders of the evolutionary age of 0 to 18 years old. The principle pathologies followed are those of the motor sector, neurological, linguistic, cognitive, phsychiatric, behavioural, developmental, sensory, […]
The principle function of this facility is to safeguard children, ensure children’s rights, to maintain personal relationships and direct contact with both non cohabitant parents, as and when specific conditions allow it. This neutral space offers a suitable and qualified place, away from daily problems, where the presence of specialised professionals guarantees conditions for positive […]
Public or private, they care for children from 3 to 36 months of life and offer a service of support to parents whom work. Aims are social and educational, offering a space of socialisation with other children. Nursery is also a point of cultural promotion of childhood rights.
This measure is characterised by it’s offer of interventions, where social health is priority. They support the permanent residence of individuals in their own homes, for people affected by certified dementia or for elderly people who are no longer autonomous at an age greater that 75 years old. Through certified intervention, they support the maintenance […]
The service of continous assistance is active in various councils within the territory, where general doctors and pediatric family doctors are not bound to provide their service neither to be available. The doctor on duty is capable of offering outpatient visits as well as domiciliary visits, provide phone consultations, evaluate and manage acute health problems, […]
The service is provided in the facilities of Breno, Cedegolo, Darfo, Edolo, Esine and Pisogne. It offers rehabilitational gyms, neuro physical education (with ultrasound and electrostimulation therapies), combined lymphedema and therapy clinics, sessions of physical education (tens, dyadynamic current, iontophoresis, galvanotherapy, magnet therapy, shock waves, laser therapy, radartherapy, presso therapy, ultrasound, electrostimulation), speech therapy for […]
Qualified in providing esclusively rehabilitational services, this centre is dedicated to people with disabilities, that require physical and instrumental therapies, massage therapy, and physiotherapy with the support of specific machinery, guaranteeing specialistic medical consultancy, educational psycology and speech therapy.
Provided in specialised facilities, and at home, the objective is not the improvement of illnesses, but to offer relief of symptoms, for which clinical treatment would be useless. So it is aimed to improve quality of life of patients of uncurable illnesses, through prevention and relief of physical, psychological and spiritual suffering. Access to the […]
Questura di Brescia – Ufficio Passaporti
Services of support and consultancy are offered to complete social security or tax paperwork, in order to solve problems related to the workplace. CAF (Centres for Financial Assistancy), are specific centres that help in filling in financial and tax return forms for workers of pubblic and private companies, as well as for the unemployed and […]
Aimed at pre-school and school-age children, adolescents and young adults, these structures offer psychological counseling services, assessment and personalized treatment programs in the context of all developmental disorders.
The strucures offer simple or complex health care services for prevention, diagnosis and treatment in situations that do not require hospitalization.
Financial interventions are intended for people with severe disabilities without family support, the lack of adequate parental support or loss of both parents. It materializes through the construction of individual projects for a period of time not less than 2 years, and aimed to achieve autonomy and detachment from the core family of origin , […]
Intended for autonomous people, able to live alone, in residential private accommodation, where the user can maitain their own independence, develop abilities and skills, benefitting from, at the same time, support and assistance guaranteed by local centres.
Intended for independent elderly people, able to live alone, these private residential accommodations provide a safe space for maintaining independence, developing abilities and skills, benefitting at the same time from support and guaranteed assistance by local centers.
It is a service aimed at holders of international protection related to taking charge with accommodation services, social assistance, health care, multicultural activities, intercultural linguistic mediation, legal guidance and information, services for job placement and training
The service manages the procedures for the appointment of the support administration, the protections, the care and the personal authorizations. The desk also deals with the delivery and collection of files to the Court Registry, avoiding going to Brescia specifically. The Proximity desk is located at the headquarters of the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica […]
These centres deal with mental health of individuals over the age of 18 through specialistic health care interventions of a social and psycological nature. The main areas of intervention are; prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of mental disturbances, such as, schizophrenia, paranoia, borderline syndromes with serious personality disturbances and self harming behaviour, food disorders and […]
To access public housing in Lombardy, the application is presented exclusively online, connecting to the IT platform for public housing services. The service allows you to view the accommodations made available and information on the location, the residential area, the type of heating method, the estimate of the expenses for the services, the owner body, […]
Financial intervention with the scope to support people with disabilities and minors with learning disabilities, and their families, through economical cointribuition for buying, renting or leasing of advanced tehcnological instruments or aids (PC, Tablets, Braille bars etc.) aimed at implementing individual abilities and empower quality daily living. Avviso pubblico per ottenere contributi per l’acquisto di […]
The contribution is aimed at families assigned to Public Housing Services (SAP) in situations of economic vulnerability and in difficulty to bear the costs of social leasing (fee for common services). Citizens interested in receiving information on the Solidarity Contribution should contact their Municipality of residence or their manager (ALER). Contributo regionale di solidarietà
Open 24/7 all year round, these communities are able to manage up to 3 disabled people, whom require specialistic support. They also offer activities designed and personalised to target social and educational needs, and act as first point of intervention without time restrictions.
This financial intervention has the scope to favor and promote return to work of people with reduced work capacities as consequences of oncological treatments or disabling pathologies and to consolidate their competences. The objective is to reinforce knowledge, gain new competences and guarantee eventual psychological support useful to challenge the return to work. Dote […]
Within the territory, within every council, are various established public and private schools. These include: Nursery, Primary, Secondary/Middle and College. Centro Formativo Provinciale “Giuseppe Zanardelli” Fondazione Scuola Cattolica di Valle Camonica Istituto Comprensivo “Fratelli Rosselli” di Artogne e Pian Camuno Istituto Comprensivo “Girolamo Romanino” di Bienno Istituto Comprensivo “Franco Tonolini” di Breno Istituto Comprensivo “Pietro […]
This service is intended for self sufficient elderly people, whom are socially vulnerable or fragile, and may be partially compromised with carrying out daily activities and interaction. This service is of residential nature and offers safeguarding and protection. Guests can use this service temporarly or permanently, compatibly with their requests, preserving personal independence at all […]
This service, managed by AUSER, is intended for citizens with the scope of directing, informing and favoring communication with the territorial service system. The service of social directory aims to limit social emarginalization, orientating people and giving them correct indication, suggestions in favor of social integration and communication with social care and social health service […]
Open 24/7 all year round, these residential facilities are addressed to whomever suffers from seriuos disabilities and lack family support. They offer interventions to assist, provide moral support, social integration in a serene environment where guests can carry out activities and develop personal interests.
Active in every council of Camonica Valley, this service consists of weekly support/help activities carried out by professionals working with individuals, families and groups. A social worker represents the first port of contact for the request of information and prevention, support and recovery of anyone whom is in position of need and difficulties. ANGOLO TERME […]
Located in Breno, Cedegolo, Darfo, Edolo, Pisogne and Esine Hospital, this specialised outpatient facility provides prevention, diagnosis and treatment of specific health disturbances. In addition they offer blood tests, and also offer the following services; dermatology, diabetes, cardiology, surgery, dentistry, opthalmology and minor prosthetics. Distribuzione attività ambulatoriali
School assistance is provided to achieve physical, relational and learning independence. It Is composed by an agglomeration of interventions designed to favor pupils phsychiatric and physical abilities, through intergational activities and support from the first year of nursery to the completion of middle school.
Financial intervention, through the supply of vouchers is intended to improve quality of life for elderly and fraile people and to improve social integration of disabled people. For the elderly the scope is to guarantee the possibility to remain at their own homes. For disabled people, the objective is instead to enhance skills and abilities […]
This service hosts adults with severe or medium-severe disabilities, whereby they do not have a family unit or where families cannot guarantee or provide the necessary care and support. This community is of residential and educational nature, offering necessary hospitality, support in daily life, development of social skills and rehabilitation, aiming for the realization of […]
This service offers clinical intervention as well as diagnostic-therapeutics in order to treat dependency, aid reduction of risks and related damage, so as to maintain health and improve quality of life of people and families in need. They guarantee social health assistance to whom suffers of addiction, abuse and problems with narcotic substances, drugs, alcohol, […]
Intended for those who are unemployed, this service is based on teams composed of professional educators and social workers. The service provides guidance and support of work, considering ability and potential, offering courses and tools to favor integration in the world of work. Azienda Territoriale per i Servizi alla Persona
Accompanies people in need of assisted transport by car, specific equipped vehicles, or ambulances. This logistic support is provided through qualified operators or volunteers. Thos that can take advantage of this service are people who require to be transfered or transported to sanitary facilities, medical examinations, blood tests, investigations or specialised tests, in case of […]
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